First off, I would not be where I am today or possibly even alive if it weren't for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It took me a long time to realize that every single thing I do is to honor him and that is exactly why we were put on the earth. I'm going to tell you about two of the most important people in my life in just a moment but I couldn't start without giving some praise to the one who has given me those two joys. I'm so undeserving and he continues to poor out his redeeming grace and mercy on me and I am forever thankful and amazed.
Next we have this guy... This is my oh so wonderful husband Tim. I am still shocked he chose me to be his wife one extremely hot Saturday afternoon in September of 2009. He is the one person on this earth that just might understand my wacky brain. He gets me better than anyone and he is beyond supportive. Not only does he go to work (and hard work I might add) every day, while I get to stay home with our sweet little boy, he comes home with a smile and is so eager to see us. He loves me unconditionally and unlike some men I know he is happy to see me start a new hobby and have something to do. He loves to see me happy and that is something I cherish more than he could ever know.
And then there is this little guy, this is our sweet little boy, Gabe. He captured our hearts in late August of 2011 and I can't believe he will be 2 in just two short months. Can words even express the amount of love that gets poured out on this kid?? I think not. To Mine and Tim's advantage and disadvantage all at the same time he was the first grandchild on both sides.... Oh. My. Gracious is he spoiled. But I have to take some of the responsibility for that one, I mean do you see that face?? I never thought I could be a full time stay at home mom because I thought I would get bored... yea right! He keeps me on my toes at all times and I wouldn't have it any other way! I just pray that the Lord will bless Tim and I with the wisdom to raise this precious gift that he has given us because you can't help second guess yourself when you think about the fact that every decision you make will effect the person he will become. Whoever says parenting is easy I would like to pick their brain!!!
The last person I'm going to mention is the newest addition to our little family! We found out late January that we were expecting baby number two and found out in April that it's a GIRL! I am beyond excited! Don't get me wrong... I love digging in the dirt, playing with trains and rough housing with our boy, but I am looking forward to bows, frills and lace! Tim on the other hand is more scared than anything, he knows that he will be wrapped twice as tight with not just one but TWO of the cutest kids in the world around :) Our sweet Ayda Jean will hopefully be arriving sometime early October unless she decides to follow suit after her brother and waits over a week after her due date...
Now that you've gotten a small background on my little family I hope you can enjoy and appreciate some of the things that I will be posting a little more. Like I hope you all are ready for Ayda's Nursery reveal!! So many exciting things going on in the McNeal household right now I won't know where to begin!
Until next time,